Tuesday, November 9, 2010

to know Him by name

I have been thinking. A lot. Not having an insane school load kiiind of gives you that time. I know I usually share about my travels...but since that’s not the only purpose as to why I’m here, I'm going to share something that I'm learning, but please, don't feel obligated to read it. It's about Jesus again, and I'll understand if you're not interested. (But for the record, He is amazing.)
Growing up in a Christian environment, you automatically obtain certain perceptions of God. Certain perceptions of who or what God is supposed to be. As each day passes, especially here in Spain, I'm quickly finding out that God is much much much bigger than all of those perceptions. 
If you know me well, you will know that one of my biggest pet peeves about Christians is when we try to put God in a box and limit Him. 
1. It’s easy for me to see because I do it all the time. 
2. And I'm always wrong when I do.
3. There are SO many things you'll miss out on by placing limitations on Him.
4. God's going to bust out of that box anyways. 
One of the things I'm realizing here is that God truly truly has an infinite amount of creativity. Not only in designing and creating people. Not only in how He plans things out. Not only in the beauty of His creations. But also in the way that He reaches people. 
For example, talking to many people here, I've come to find that I can relate to some people on a spiritual level much better than others. Here's the thing. Some of those people don't call themselves Christians. What?! I know. Strange. But listen, you have one person who claims to follow the same God of the universe that I do...and yet I still disagree with their views on life; they exhibit characteristics of impatience, conditional love, and materialism. Nothing remotely close to the God I know. On the other hand, you have another person who understands the beauty of silence and of community, who understands that there is a supernatural power that is very real, who understands what it means to live for something greater than herself and can experience the same kind of peace that only God can give...yet, they do not claim the name of Jesus Christ. To me, it seems as if the second person knows the Lord much better than the first. Can that even happen??
So where is that line? In these cases, how can you tell the difference between knowing the one true God and realism? Is it really possible that this person can know the God that I know under a different name? If you had asked me just even last month, I would have probably said, "Obviously not. Obviously." Now, I'm not so sure. But even in that bit of confusion, what I found was, I don’t really think I have to have that answer. And that’s perfectly fine. 
This morning I read a bit of the Bible, and here is what I got:
Acts 10:9-15 - "Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. Then a voice told him, 'Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.'
'Surely not, Lord!' Peter replied. 'I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.' The voice spoke to him a second time, 'Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.'"
Dang. I don’t know what that says to you, but to me...God is breaking apart Peter’s conception of who is welcome in the kingdom of God. Now, not only are Jews considered God’s people...but Gentiles are too. His intention was to save everyone. Right? 
So. My conclusion? I don't get to be the judge. No matter how bizarre I think your view is, I don’t get to tell you if you truly know Christ or not. I can only do that for myself.
Maybe God can reach people through a different name. He is certainly capable of that. He is the only one who sees people's hearts for what they truly are. Not me. And I am quickly finding out that nit picking over dumb details is an enormous waste of time. The fact of the matter is...the God of the Heavens and the Earth has, does, and will always love you, and if you so choose to accept that, and believe that Jesus did come to save you, then you are most welcome into the family. 
But now for me. What does this mean for me? Do I drop everything I’ve ever come to know? Am I going to try to learn what all of these ‘possible’ names for God are? Nope. While God is beginning to grow my understanding and showing me where I tend to limit Him, and while I am continuing to learn what it means for God to look at someone’s heart, and while He is changing/molding my perspectives, I know that there is one thing certain. I don’t just want to serve a deity. I don’t just want to understand that there is a higher power. I don’t want to just know that there is someone or something out there that created this world. I don’t just want to have an idea of who or what a god can be. 
A very dear friend of mine told me the other day, “Janice, you know God, and God knows you. Don’t forget that.” What a simple, yet wonderful reminder. That’s right though. I do know God. And He sure knows me. Through Him alone I know truth. Through his Son I am saved. Through the Holy Spirit I can have wisdom and peace. Through Him I am loved. This is what I want. The knowledge that there is someone in existence that is concrete. Someone that is truth. You may know God by whatever name you call Him, and He probably does respond to that. And He definitely loves you. But I know for a fact that there is real power under the name of Jesus Christ. For me, it is under this name only. He is the one I live to glorify. And for the rest of my days, this is who I will serve. It is personal. Because I know Him, and He knows me. This is where I have the right to choose. And so, I’m going to choose Him. 
And now you. Did you know that you get to choose too? In case you were wondering, you totally do. Pretty sweet, huh?


Kevin Van Smaalen said...

I've said this once and I'll say it again. God has given you such a great gift for words. Thanks for sharing. And as always, it was great talking with you =)

Kevin King said...

I love this. Thank you for opening up your heart and thoughts. I am glad I can talk with you about all of this in less than 24 hours.

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