Wednesday, September 15, 2010

and so the weekend adventures begin!

We got to go to Cádiz this past weekend. It was ridiculously beautiful. Located on the southwestern coast, it is one of the oldest cities in Spain, known for its beaches and culture. I am fully aware that the last sentence sounded like a travel commercial. But really, if you ever get the chance, you should go!!!
 Here are some pictures:

You can't exactly go to Cádiz without seeing a legit Flamenco show!


Jaime said...

Janice!! i was clicking all of the links and stuff on the side bar of my facebook (you know the ones that nobody ever checks) and i found this and i was like "what the snarf" since when does janice have a blog and so i clicked on it and thought to myself "i bet she isnt even using this thing" and holy crap you have so many pictures up. anyway i just wanted to let you know about this new discovery i made and i hereby inform you ill be checking in to see what youre up to every now and then. say hola to the family for me.

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